Qwi has attended the VII Smart Grids Congress, which took place on december 16th, 2020. As a novelty, this year the event has been held entirely online.
The Smart Grids Congress is the meeting point for all of the Smart Power Grids sector in Spain. This event gathers the main industry participants and allow them to debate on current events, as well as reflex on the Smart power distribution network future. As such, this multidisciplinary conference gets together all kinds of professionals, which, in turn, provides with a global picture of all issues affecting the industry, which range from technological development to law changes.
As part of the programmed events for this conference, Qwi’s engineering department members have presented a novel state estimation algorithm, intended to be used on large power distribution systems.
This algorithm guarantees benefits by reducing the sizee of the gain matrix, while at the same time avoiding the problems a tradicional approach tends to entail. In order to do so, the algorithm Works with complex numbers, instead of the more usual approach of using real numbers. As a whole, the proposed system grants better processing speeds as well as a better resource management, which in turn allows to face the Smart Grids’ current challenges.
More information about the state estimation algorithm can be consulted (in Spanish only).