Qwi Tecnologías de la Información, S.L. (hereinafter, Qwi) is a company dedicated to providing software engineering and data processing services.
software engineering and data processing services based in Madrid (Spain).
Through the application of an Integrated Management System, based on the requirements of the standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001, the aim is to achieve continuous improvement in the quality of our services, the satisfaction of our customers and the environmental performance of the company’s our clients’ satisfaction and the environmental performance of our organisation’s activities.
To this end, Qwi considers the basis of this Policy, as the basic pillars of the organisation to achieve the continuous improvement of the efficiency of this management system, the following guidelines, which will serve as the basis for the establishment of our annual objectives establishment of our annual objectives:
To ensure the satisfaction of its customers based on a correct treatment and a continuous effort in the continuous effort in the provision of the service based on their requirements and our commitment to the continuous continuous improvement of our services.
To comply with the legal requirements that apply to it, as well as with those requirements to which the organisation subscribes, continually that the organisation subscribes to, continually evaluating this compliance in all areas of activity. activity.
To continually improve the quality of our software engineering and data intelligence services, improving our performance and data intelligence services, improving our behaviour with regard to the main environmental aspects generated by our activity, by our activity, through the establishment of objectives and goals to achieve it.
Preventing pollution that could be generated by our activities, minimising those that could generate it and and optimising the consumption of the resources at our disposal, making our company an environmentally sustainable one. an environmentally sustainable company.
To permanently improve the competitiveness of our services, involving our clients at all times in the same. our clients at all times and continuously adapting the developments to their needs, trying to collaborate through our services to their needs, trying to collaborate through our services to correct management policies, also among our clients. also among our clients.
To ensure a continuous and permanent updating of our resources, both technological and, above all, of our staff. and, above all, of our staff, promoting policies of continuous professional training that allow them to advance in their enable them to advance in their knowledge at the same pace as our sector.
This Policy will be reviewed annually by the management for its continuous adaptation, as well as the objectives and goals of the company, and communicated to all the staff of the organisation and is available to the public on request to any interested party. available to the public upon request by any interested part.